Diminishing the Cellulite Dimples


I have recently started performing cellulite smoothing treatments using Sculptra. This type of treatment is particularly effective for cellulite ‘dimples’ on the thighs and buttocks.

Sculptra is an injectable dermal filler bio-stimulant that contains poly-L-lactic acid (a safe sugar polymer), and is used to treat cellulite dimples and fine lines whilst also stimulating collagen production for a smoother, natural and more youthful look. The product has been used clinically for a very long time as it is naturally absorbed by the body and can most frequently be found in dissolvable stitches.

How Does it work? 

When using Sculptra on cellulite, this injected dermal filler stimulates your body to create new collagen which fills up the dimples. The treatment is minimally invasive, there is little down time and is relatively painless. 

Natasha Schweitzer ‘Amelia’ earrings

What is Cellulite? 

Typically accompanied by skin laxity and water retention, cellulite is inflammation and scarring of the superficial fat tissue. Collagen fibres anchor the skin down to the deeper tissues while fat tissue simultaneously pushes the loose skin upwards. This causes the all-too-familiar cellulite appearance, characterised by lumpy, dimpled, rippled, and wavy skin. There are varying grades of cellulite, ranging from a mild, orange-peel appearance through to a moderate, ‘cottage cheese’ appearance and on to a ‘quilted mattress’ look with severe dimpling and indentation. 


What does a sculptra treatment involve? 

During your appointment, we will locate the cellulite dimples and mark the areas to be treated. Lidocaine may be added to the filler to reduce discomfort from the injections. Using a fine gauge needle, the fibrous strands that are pulling down on the skin will be broken up and then the filler will be injected. 

Right after treatment, the areas are massaged to help distribute the filler evenly. This process helps prevent lumps and bumps.  There is little to no downtown after receiving these cellulite treatments and most patients return to normal activities immediately. If you are feeling discomfort you can apply a cold compress as needed. Bruising is expected because of the injections. I suggest timing your treatments so as you can comfortably wear longer pants or shorts to cover any short-term bruising.

Post-treatment care is extremely important and the ‘Rule of Fives’ is exercised. Patients need to massage the treatment area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day for 5 days. By doing this, we can ensure the Sculptra is evenly dispersed in the area that it has been injected, which will facilitate a uniform result.

After 6 weeks, patients come in for their follow up treatment and we can assess if more product is needed or if your body filled the dimple completely.

How many treatments are recommended?

For optimal results, a series of 2-3 treatments spaced 6 weeks apart is recommended. And whilst it works more gradually than hyaluronic acid fillers, Sculptra aims to correct the root of the problem and results can last up to 2 years. 


To assess whether you are a good candidate for the Sculptra technique, please drop me an email here.